Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 16

"All day long people come back to welcome Abba,  He pats me on the head and doesn"t let me go into the kitchen with the women, but makes sure I sit right next to him.  I'm embarrassed, but I like this, being the special." pg.138

What I like about this quote is how Nadira is now the center of attention instead of Aisha.  You can also tell that Nadira's dad is really proud of her, because when all of his friends and family come to visit him he sits there and shows off Nadira.  I think that from now on Abba is either going to treat Aisha and Nadira equally or favor Nadira.  

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chapter 15

" 'You folks make a simple mistake and this--' He turns to me, grinning. 'What grade are you in, dear?' 'Ninth,' I answer.'This ninth grader can straighten it out in five minutes!.....' "pg.135

I really like this quote because it shows the power that Nadira had to fix this whole situation.  I also liked how the judge reacted to the situation, by yelling at everyone else who screwed up.  But what I don't understand is why Nadira would stand up in front of everyone and demand to say something, because even though I agree with what she said and she knew she "gotta do what cha gotta do" in real life she probably would have been kicked out of the court house.  But I'm glad she did do it after all.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 14

"Voices shouting. My stomach spasms and I'm doubled over, throwing up into the hedges. Then I run again, blindly, into the dark streets." pg.123

I think this quote takes the phrase "makes me sick" literally. I think what made Nadira get so sick and scared was she accentally saw how illegal the whole think was and it made her nervous and freaked out. I know that she was really scared because even though she had no idea where she was running to she just had to get away from that mess.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 12

"I notice, though, that she's not really reading.  She just staring dully at the page. " pg.108

I thought that this sentence was a really good example of how even though Aisha has changed a lot from who she used to be (an insecure and trys hard to be someone she not) but this shows how she will still always have that part of her inside her.  I think Aisha feels she has to present herself that even if she is tired or really doesn't feel like it she has to be reading or studing when no one would be upset if she stopped.  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 10

     " 'It's gotten worse,' she tells me.  'My mom says she's going to throw my dad out.  And my dad's really upset; he can't even eat.  You should see him, Nadira.  Sometimes he works until two in the morning, and then she's at him first thing, yelling.' 'Maybe your dad did do something wrong,' I offer" pg.96

    I am really disappointed in Nadira, her friend comes to her worried and confused and Nadira takes the wrong side!  A real friend would take her friends side or leave out her opiopn and help her friend get through this, but Nadira just accuses Lily's dad.  I think that Lily will get really mad at Nadira for this.  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10

"Taslima raises her cell phone as if it's some super-bionic zap gun that can make these guys disappear."pg.82

What I like about this sentence is the description of what she is doing and what she sees the phone as.  Not just that sentence but that whole paragraph shows you how comfortable Taslima feels in the U.S. that she just stands up to an authority figure like that (with no fear).  I also think while standing up to them was a good think she was very disrespectful toward her elders and an authority figure, but as I said before it paid off.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter Nine

"For the first time I notice the resemblance between Tim and Taslima: They both have skinny bodies and short hair that stands up on end."
    I found this interesting because of the way Nadira compares Tim and Taslima, but not about how they act or there personalities, just there physical attributes.  What I don't quite understand is, are Tim and Taslima, are they dating?
     Also I wonder if Marina Budhos had both of there characters name's start with the same letter on purpose, because they are friends or a couple.  

Friday, March 6, 2009


      I found the movie Wetback really interesting.  I never really heard or learned much about Nicaragua.  I also never realized how small those countries are, maybe it was the the way the movie was but it seemed like they could get from one country to the other within days.  But once they get to México its going to be hard and keep getting harder.  
I am looking forward to see what will happen next because right now there hasn't really been anything they didn't expect, but I am guessing that will change once they get to México.  I hope they can make it to Canada.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Post 4

     "A flicker of tension twitches between us: five times on the way to school Aisha told me not to say anything about our trip to the border, not even to Lily Yee, my best friend at school."  pg.30
      What I like about this is how Marina Budhos uses flicker of tension to describe the tension between them because there not just lots of tension but just little burst of it (five times).  
    I also can not image not being able to tell your best friend about something huge in your life, but I guess Nadira is used to it.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chapter 5-Sentence

    "Ma calls him Bagh'a, which means 'tiger' in Bangla, because he's got this wide face with narrow eyes and fearsome temper."  
What I like about this sentence is how descriptive it is.  I also like how they gave the character a nickname that is really descriptive of who he is, it tells the reader more about the character while still continuing the plot of the story.  Also they describe physical and emotional things about him, like his wide face and fearsome temper.  

Monday, March 2, 2009

Samara's Blog!

The Sentence Samara's I really like.

" 'After she's crawled under the covers, she keeps talking in the dark, rehearsing who she wants to be the next.' This was really interesting because before I read this, I thought that Aisha was super self confident and knew exactly who she was and wanted to be." 

I completely agree with what Samara said, that this opened up a part of Aisha we never knew.  I also like how she said super self confident because its the perfect way to describe Aisha to someone who wasn't reading the book.  

Another good point that Samara made is:
"I feel that Aisha might just be smart in book knowledge and not really feel secure about who she is."  
I completely agree with what she said, Aisha has a great education but lacks lots of common sense and other things that you learn from not constantly studying.

Overall, Great Job Samara

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Post 2-Chapters 3-4

I found chapter 3 very boring, but it was written very well.  She only talked about her family's history in Bangladesh.  
"After she's crawled under the covers, she keeps talking in the dark, rehearsing who she wants to be the next day."pg 24.  
I like that sentence because it shows how being in the U.S. has changed who she is as a person, and how Nadira isn't letting it change her, yet.