Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 16

"All day long people come back to welcome Abba,  He pats me on the head and doesn"t let me go into the kitchen with the women, but makes sure I sit right next to him.  I'm embarrassed, but I like this, being the special." pg.138

What I like about this quote is how Nadira is now the center of attention instead of Aisha.  You can also tell that Nadira's dad is really proud of her, because when all of his friends and family come to visit him he sits there and shows off Nadira.  I think that from now on Abba is either going to treat Aisha and Nadira equally or favor Nadira.  

1 comment:

  1. ayaeah, I also like how Nadira is fianlly feeling special. :)
