Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chapter 15

" 'You folks make a simple mistake and this--' He turns to me, grinning. 'What grade are you in, dear?' 'Ninth,' I answer.'This ninth grader can straighten it out in five minutes!.....' "pg.135

I really like this quote because it shows the power that Nadira had to fix this whole situation.  I also liked how the judge reacted to the situation, by yelling at everyone else who screwed up.  But what I don't understand is why Nadira would stand up in front of everyone and demand to say something, because even though I agree with what she said and she knew she "gotta do what cha gotta do" in real life she probably would have been kicked out of the court house.  But I'm glad she did do it after all.  


  1. Yes Jena! i totally agree! This does show some teenager power right there. Don't you think it was brave of Nadira to do this for her family? I bet that took a LOT of courage!

  2. good job for posting early!
    i'm also really glad that she got that over with, so now she can truly say that she did something brave. if she has another 'setback' i'm gonna go slap her

  3. Opinions...,

    Good job stating your opinions towards this quote. It makes me look at the situation in an entire different way. I also agree with Samara by this is showing some teenage power! that was definitely needed for her to stand up for what she though was right.


  4. i agree it was very brave of her. I liked what the judge had to say too. Yelling at everyone else because a ninth grader did better then they did.

  5. Hello Again,

    This was also very brave for Nadira to do, especially since she is normally the quite girl in the corner. It was nice for her to stand up for what was right at the time!


  6. Nadira is awesome! She was smarter than all the lawyers and people. She put them to shame. That's awesome!

  7. I think Nadira used her original plan to save Abba! I was happy that Nadira saved the day, however in a real court could she have spoken up just like that? I wonder if the author went through something like this...

  8. i agree with Falcon! i think the author or the authors friend went through something like that because she captures the fear and sadness perfectly. Great post Jena!

  9. I see what your saying Kalli,

    You never know, she could have had this happened to her or maybe it happen to a close friend. Or it just may be that she has very great description or has seen it once before!


  10. Nice work! I agree, it definitely took Nadira a whole lot of courage to do what she did! I guess she did stick to her original plan, and I'm glad it all work out! But, like a lot of people mentioned, I don't think you could have actually done that in a real court. Do they even let teenagers into a court?? This part kind of confused me...but Marina Budhos did a very good job capturing the emotions in the room at that time. I also like how the judge got mad at everyone else for screwing up!

  11. Great Work Jena!
    I really love the quote you blogged on! I totally agree with Everyone about everything. They said it all.
    I really liked what you said about:
    "But what I don't understand is why Nadira would stand up in front of everyone and demand to say something, because even though I agree with what she said and she knew she "gotta do what cha gotta do" in real life she probably would have been kicked out of the court house. "
    It got me thinking...If I were in Nadira's situation would I have been brave enough to speak up?
    It really makes me proud to be 14. Nadira is a great help to her family and she deserves some credit. I'm pretty sure that she will get plenty when she gets home. :D

  12. To answer your question (kinda) Celeste, I definitely would NOT have the courage to do that. And you could tell, Nadira was having some trouble before she started talking. She deserves a lot of credit, and I think that is why she wants to go home and tell Aisha (because she think Aisha will be really proud of her)

  13. I agree Puja! If I had an older sister and I just did something like that I would most definetly want to tell her! It would be so awesome if I had the courage to do so. But I'm glad I'm not in the same position as they were. :D

  14. In the text it said on page 117, "Then my eyes light upon Abba's name at the top of Ma's fax." It turns out she meant it literally because she used the name spelling to get her family in less trouble. I'm glad she used her original plan... Do you guys think this was very realistic? I don't think so. I felt the author didn't really give us a good sense of time these last few chapters...

  15. i agree falcon... things really got odd the last couple chapters. i felt sort of out of out of it and disoriented... the book doesn't say what nadira is really planning to do to get her father out of trouble, or really how nadira got back up to the border when she can't drive and without aisha noticing. i got what happened, i just was... weird. (and yes, i do understand that "weird" is a bit rich coming from me)

  16. i don't think that it was very realistic
    it's a nice thought, but it probably isn't very probable for the real world, much though we might like to think it really is.
    sad, but true, yeah?

  17. ari makes a good point. no one dons tights and cape in this book, but there is a little bit of that sorta concept going on. usually, there isn't such an easy fix like that. there's no mis-spelling, or the judge doesn't listen or won't care. the whole middle school girl saves the day phenomenon doesn't really happen as nice as it is to read about. if there was a glass half empty and a glass half full, mine would be completely empty, and have mold growing in the bottom.

  18. Whoaaa, hold on un mommento. Realistic? Really?
    On the contrary, I thought it was pretty realistic. But I think the setting also what made this possible.
    Lets just say if it were a huge gigantic court room with lots of people, I don't think Nadira would have been able to do that.
    But since it was a super small room, with only Nadira, her mom, her father, the judge, and a few agents, plus a lawyer.
    Yes, I think she was able to do that.
    Its a small room, where one voice is able to be heard. Like many said though, props to Nadira! Some serious teenage courage. 8D

  19. that is true ari the chance of this actually happening in the real world is low. It is sad.

  20. I don't think it was very realistic. I mean, what are the chances that a judge really would forget to check all the papers and make sure the name is correct! That's usually one of the first things they check I thought. And, I too, think that Marina Budhos didn't do a very good job of expressing the time....I was pretty confused about that!

  21. Maybe he didn't know that their name was spelled differently than what it said. He didn't have any proof or anything to show that his name is Hossain, not Hossein. It's confusing...
